Lithuanian Composers' Union
The Lithuanian Composers’ Union (LCU) is an organisation of professional Lithuanian composers, sound artists, musicologists, music critics and ethnomusicologists. Currently it consists of 187 members.
- The LCU allows for its members to participate in the community’s activity in various ways – to take part in general assemblies, community celebrations, festivals and other events organized by the LCU; to submit proposals for artistic and scholarly activity, publishing and other projects; to receive support for creative activity and consultations on relevant social and creative issues.
- The members of the LCU are given discounts on accommodation at the Druskininkai creative residency and can use the hall of the Composers’ House in Vilnius on a preferential basis.
- The LCU represents the interests of its members in various public and municipal institutions and non-governmental organisations. It proposes candidates for state and international awards and prizes.
- The members of the LCU can take part in the Union’s administration (be elected as members of the Council, the Musicologists’ Section, and the Audit and Ethics Commissions), and present proposals for the chair and Council of the LCU.
- The members of the LCU are granted the status of art creator.

How to become a member of the LCU?
Membership of the LCU is open to professional composers and musicologists residing in the Republic of Lithuania, as well as Lithuanian composers and musicologists in emigration and their heirs, both citizens of the Republic of Lithuania and those having no Lithuanian citizenship, residing outside the Republic of Lithuania, who agree with the aims and objectives of the LCU, pay the membership fees and comply with the requirements of the Law of the Status of Art Creator and an Organisation of Art Creators of the Republic of Lithuania. By way of exception, international composers and musicologists having no Lithuanian citizenship, who actively cooperate with the LCU and promote the musical culture of Lithuania abroad, and whose creative work and activity conforms to the requirements for an art creator established in the Republic of Lithuania, can also become members.
The admittance of new members is approved by the LCU’s Council upon receiving a written application, description of artistic activity, list of works and written references from two LCU’s members with not less than a three-year standing. One becomes a member of the LCU when the LCU’s Council takes a favourable decision.